Friday, November 30, 2007

Rainy Day Reflections

Hurrah for the first rain of winter! I was awakened early this morning by the drip-drip of the drainage pipe below my window and the pitter-patter of rain falling on the roof. A splendid alarm-clock, indeed! It was raining before I left for my piano lesson. :-)
It was raining while I was driving to my piano lesson (gah! just the slightest bit nerve-wrecking..).
It rained during my piano lesson. :-)
And it was still raining when I came home! :-)
(Excessive smileys! But it's raining, and the rain deserves emoticons. Maybe? Yes.)
Yay, dear rain! Please stay for a while, or come back soon if you do decide to leave.
Rainy Fridays at home are almost the most pleasant rainy days of all. Nothing like curling up in bed with a book (well...the Federalist Papers.....) and a snuggly sleeping cat to keep you company. I've almost forgotten what it means to rest.
Dear Miss MKR's post today made me stop and re-evaluate my priorities and the general way I've been living lately. I'm still not entirely sure how to go about things with school and music yet, since my perfectionist-streak often gets in the way. But I must work on not worrying so much, since I tend to become rather tense and digestion goes downhill from there... Breathing is good. Oxygen is even better? Hmm.
Well, I probably should stop here before I begin worrying about my blog post.
Silly goosie.
I shall enjoy cookie-night and not think about the concerto competition or little Asian violin virtuosos or the fact that I think I'm behind musically or so on or so on. I'm glad that we will continue learning and growing for a very, very, very, very, very long time. There is hope for goosies like me!
Anyways, enjoy the rain and keep warm!

1 comment:

Gabriel said...

I'm thankful for Rainy Fridays too. Very glad you posted about it. =]